Career choice is a difficult process though, since there are several criteria to take into account, such as whether it suits you well, whether it makes you happy, the salary, working hours, benefits, etc.
And in comparison, web development seems to be one of the most favorable choices. Here’s why people want to learn web development:
The average annual salary ranges from $26.533 to $109.845 (in the USA).
Web developers are in high demand throughout the world and the demand (along with the average salary) is rising. This offers flexibility to switch countries or choose to freelance.
Statistical predictions indicate that rapid growth will continue in 2019–2022.
And these days, you can learn anything online: Spanish and literature, econ or photo editing.
But before you go ahead and sign up for just any web development class, I suggest we take a look at the variety of courses you can choose from to save money and time by learning web development online free.
Code academy
The courses are designed in partnership with distinguished universities and educational institutions, corresponding to the demands of the best educators and best practices.
The sophisticated filtering system allows the student to choose not just the field and topic, but also the degree and level of the course, the institution that offers the online course, the language, length, etc.
The topics and levels vary from a simple HTML/CSS/JS beginner course offered by Johns Hopkins University to more in-depth Ruby on Rails and Angular JS courses for intermediates.
Finally, what’s cool about Coursera, is that upon graduation you get an online certificate as formal proof of completion and can attach it to your resume.
Code academy
Based on the 15 most popular development languages in the world, these free courses contain the core basic knowledge you need to get started. I’d say if you’re looking to learn web development free, this is the best option.
The HMTL/CSS courses are followed by JS courses, which then lead to more advanced Node JS courses. Most of the courses also include a final test for checking your level.
However, Codecademy only offers certificates upon graduation of Pro Intensive programs, and the free courses don’t include certification.
That being said, knowledge and experience these days are so valuable that if you have them, certification becomes trivial.
Udacity offers great free online courses in partnership with such leading IT companies as Google, AT&T, Github, Amazon, etc. The course levels vary from beginner to intermediate to advanced as Udacity offers a variety of courses, from simple HTML5/CSS courses to a compact web development courses with Javascript, Backbone.js, etc.
Since Udacity offers non-degree courses only, it doesn’t provide certifications.
Udacity puts an emphasis on practice, which anyone who has ever studied computer science or web development knows is a big plus.
I’d never claim W3Schools is a place where you can actually learn web development and become a pro. It’s not.
However, if you’re an absolute beginner and are still looking to understand the very basics, W3Schools could be very helpful. You can find HTML, CSS, JS, Boot Strap and XML tutorials there.
Each tutorial is written in simple and non-techy language, so that people who have absolutely no experience in coding can understand. The topics are supplemented with a set of simple tasks inviting the user to put their knowledge to use.
Udemy is a huge school and offers courses in extremely diverse fields, from health and music to photography and programming.
Most of the Udemy courses are paid, however, there’s also a set of free courses, that are pretty decent for getting started. The filtering system will allow you to find the kind, of course, you’re looking for.
The free course topics and levels vary drastically: from HTML5, CSS3 and Angular JS courses to PHP and MySQli building.
Udemy is very comfortable for people with busy schedules, since the courses come with lifetime access, so you can take the course at flexible times and easily return to wherever you dropped the course next time.
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As Always Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh
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