What would you do if you had a million dollars? This is a question that many people fantasize about, but few can make it a reality. For the most part, becoming a millionaire seems like a far-incomprehensible or at least something that you can’t obtain so early in life.
The fact is that making it to your first million doesn’t take a stroke of obscene luck like winning the lottery. As long as you make the right moves, you could potentially get to seven figures before you turn 30.
Sound too good to be true? It’s not, but it’s definitely not easy.
Let’s go over some of the best ways that you can become a millionaire in your 20s. Even if you’re relatively short on time, it’s never too late to ensure a stable financial future for yourself.
1. Build Multiple Revenue Streams
Unless you’re currently working your way towards a dream career that already pays hundreds of thousands of dollars, it will be extremely difficult to make it to a million with a single income. Instead, you have to have multiple revenue streams coming in to get there. According to most estimates, having at least three sources of income is the ideal number to reach millionaire status.
As you can imagine, working three low-paying jobs isn’t going to make or break your success. Instead, you have to find ways of earning passive income that doesn’t require constant effort. Building these kinds of money generators will take effort upfront, but once you’ve established them, they can be easier to maintain down the road. Again though, it will take massive time and effort upfront.
Another option for building revenue streams is to invest your money. Put some of your savings into stocks and/or real estate. At first, you will want to reinvest your earnings until they build to something substantial, but the sooner you start, the sooner you can reap the rewards.
2. Aim Higher Than One Million
Although getting to one million dollars may seem like a lofty goal, the fact is that once you reach it, surpassing it becomes so much easier. The more money you have, the simpler it becomes to reinvest and potentially make more.
So, with that in mind, don’t settle for one million. Instead, set your sights higher. Make it $10 million or more. By establishing an even bigger goal, that will help motivate you to reach it. If you stopped pushing and hustling at one million, you could wind up backsliding. Instead, keep moving the goalpost and let that drive you further than you thought possible
3. Learn How To Increase Your Income
If you’re working a regular job and you have a couple of side hustles, that’s a great place to start. However, over time, you need to make sure that your income is building and growing to a point where you can reach that million-dollar mark. If you’re currently bringing in $3,000 a month, see what you can do to get that to $5,000. From there, build to $10,000, and so on.
Discovering potential revenue streams won’t happen by accident. You have to be proactive about finding them. This means that you have to devote yourself to learning as much as possible about things like passive income and investment opportunities.
Start with something about which you’re passionate. Do you love the idea of owning and maintaining a rental property? Learn the steps to get there. Do you want to run a retail website and earn passive income from that? See what it will take to get that off the ground.
Every day, you should be investing in yourself. Learning is an essential tool in the entrepreneur’s toolkit, and it never stops. If you’re like most people, you may assume that learning is done at school, and once you graduate high school or college that you’re done learning.
Highly successful people recognize the value in learning outside of these parameters, and many of them don’t have a degree, or they dropped out of school altogether. These people learned how to become a millionaire in their 20’s not through formal education, but self-taught ideas and principles.
Fortunately, there is a wealth of information online at your disposal. You don’t have to pay tuition to learn about building a successful online business or how to invest money in the stock market. Youtube is a great way to start and, best of all, there’s tons of free content out there.